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1. What is the most popular ice cream flavor?

2. After the United States, what country consumes the most ice cream?

3. What flavors are usually in Neapolitan ice cream?

4. Which of these is NOT a Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor?

5. About how many licks does it take to finish a single-scoop ice cream cone?

6. "Rocky Road" ice cream was created after what historical event?

7. Which state produces the most ice cream?

8. What's in a "black cow"?

9. The "I Scream You Scream" ice cream song tells about a college in "the land of ice and snow." What is the name of the college?

10. Which month is National Ice Cream Month?

1. What is the most popular ice cream flavor?

2. After the United States, what country consumes the most ice cream?
New Zealand

3. What flavors are usually in Neapolitan ice cream?
vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry

4. Which of these is NOT a Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor?
Licorice of Arabia

5. About how many licks does it take to finish a single-scoop ice cream cone?

6. "Rocky Road" ice cream was created after what historical event?
the stock market crash of 1929

7. Which state produces the most ice cream?

8. What's in a "black cow"?
root beer, chocolate syrup, and vanilla ice cream

9. The "I Scream You Scream" ice cream song tells about a college in "the land of ice and snow." What is the name of the college?

10. Which month is National Ice Cream Month?

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