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1. Scandal and controversy have plagued the Olympic Games since the ancient Greeks began holding their competitions of strength and speed. Bribery, drug use, and murder are just the tip of the hurdle when it comes to Olympic impropriety. What kind of Olympic indiscretion was International Olympic Committee (IOC) vice president Kevan Gosper accused of?

2. What did the Cuban government accuse "wealthy nations" of doing to their athletes?

3. Which of the following athletes were later stripped of their gold medals?

4. Who was left holding the bag after charges of vote-buying surfaced around the successful Salt Lake City bid?

5. Which of these Olympians stands accused of murder?

1. Scandal and controversy have plagued the Olympic Games since the ancient Greeks began holding their competitions of strength and speed. Bribery, drug use, and murder are just the tip of the hurdle when it comes to Olympic impropriety. What kind of Olympic indiscretion was International Olympic Committee (IOC) vice president Kevan Gosper accused of?
Choosing his daughter to run with the Olympic torch.

2. What did the Cuban government accuse "wealthy nations" of doing to their athletes?
Stealing them.

3. Which of the following athletes were later stripped of their gold medals?
All of the above.

4. Who was left holding the bag after charges of vote-buying surfaced around the successful Salt Lake City bid?
Tom Welch and Dave Johnson.

5. Which of these Olympians stands accused of murder?
Henry Tillman.

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