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  • School and Learning

    I can answer each of your questions briefly.

  • School and Learning

    Homeschooled kids consistently score higher than their schooled peers on standardized tests. Their learning often takes place in less than two hours a day, leaving them free time to enjoy doing what every other child has to wait until the weekend to do -- ride their bikes, roller blade, etc.

  • School and Learning

    To convince your parents of the many advantages of homeschooling, do some reading and research.

  • School and Learning

    When a child is reluctant to homeschool, you need to find out exactly why. He may not understand what is involved. For instance, he may think he will be stuck in the house each day, and not see his friends.

  • School and Learning
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Learn what to consider when deciding how to teach foreign languages at home.

  • School and Learning

    I'm not familiar with an accredited homeschool program designed specifically for the child labeled LD. However, in my experience, parents who choose to homeschool their LD child have been very pleased with the results.

  • School and Learning

    Four is too young for pencils and paperwork. Relax, give him some space, go to the park, and encourage him to spend large blocks of time each day involved in creative play.

  • School and Learning

    The fact that your son is completing his assignments and turning them in each week shows that some work is being done.

  • School and Learning

    To learn the best ways to work with and around the education code in Louisiana, contact several homeschool resource and support groups in Louisiana and speak with parents who are experienced with homeschooling.

  • School and Learning

    Homeschooling offers kids a safe environment, free from the difficulties and struggles many of their schooled peers face on a daily basis.

  • School and Learning

    The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer is a recommended guidebook to homeschooling.

  • School and Learning
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    This article outlines what you need to know if you're considering homeschooling your child.

  • School and Learning

    Many children return to school or start school after homeschooling. When the change is child-initiated, the transition generally goes well. When the change is parent-initiated, there can be an adjustment period of a few months. Find if homeschooling or public school is the best for your child.

  • School and Learning

    The issue here is not verifying if your stepdaughter is on-target with her public-schooled peers, but rather understanding both the homeschool philosophy and how children learn.

  • School and Learning

    Homeschooling is usually done by a parent or guardian. Additional classes, activities, or group learning experiences may supplement a child's basic course of study.

  • School and Learning

    According to The Homeschooling Book of Answers by Linda Dobson, 24 states allow homeschoolers to participate in interscholastic sports (one school competing against another school).

  • School and Learning
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    There's a better way for teens to learn, and it's easier than you think.

  • School and Learning

    Learn where to find statistical information on homeschooling versus public schooling.

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