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1. Which President nearly touched off an international incident, when he joked about bombing Russia on national radio?

2. Which President faced a public relations nightmare, when his brother signed on as the official spokesperson for a new brand of beer?

3. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush became the first President - and hopefully the last - to vomit on another head of state. Bush threw up on the prime minister of which country?

4. Which portly President repeatedly got stuck in the White House bathtub?

5. What calamity befell President George W. Bush while he was watching an NFL playoff game in January 2002?

6. Which President proclaimed, in front of a cheering crowd, that he was a jelly donut?

7. One of the crucial pieces of evidence against President Richard Nixon in the Watergate scandal was a collection of audio recordings made in the Oval Office. What was Nixon's explanation for not thinking to destroy the incriminating tapes?

8. Which President spoke the following incomprehensible sentence in a speech? "I would like the government to do all it can to mitigate, then, in understanding, in mutuality of interest, in concern for the common good, our tasks will be solved."

9. Which President publicly claimed to have seen a UFO?

10. Presidential funerals are supposed to be solemn, dignified affairs. Yet, at one such funeral, the deceased President's parrot had to be removed because it kept squawking profanities. Whose funeral (and parrot) was it?

1. Which President nearly touched off an international incident, when he joked about bombing Russia on national radio?
Ronald Reagan

2. Which President faced a public relations nightmare, when his brother signed on as the official spokesperson for a new brand of beer?
Jimmy Carter

3. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush became the first President - and hopefully the last - to vomit on another head of state. Bush threw up on the prime minister of which country?

4. Which portly President repeatedly got stuck in the White House bathtub?
William H. Taft

5. What calamity befell President George W. Bush while he was watching an NFL playoff game in January 2002?
He choked on a pretzel and passed out.

6. Which President proclaimed, in front of a cheering crowd, that he was a jelly donut?
John F. Kennedy

7. One of the crucial pieces of evidence against President Richard Nixon in the Watergate scandal was a collection of audio recordings made in the Oval Office. What was Nixon's explanation for not thinking to destroy the incriminating tapes?
He was under medication.

8. Which President spoke the following incomprehensible sentence in a speech? "I would like the government to do all it can to mitigate, then, in understanding, in mutuality of interest, in concern for the common good, our tasks will be solved."
Warren G. Harding

9. Which President publicly claimed to have seen a UFO?
Jimmy Carter

10. Presidential funerals are supposed to be solemn, dignified affairs. Yet, at one such funeral, the deceased President's parrot had to be removed because it kept squawking profanities. Whose funeral (and parrot) was it?
Andrew Jackson

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