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1. The month-long conflict in Lebanon was primarily fought between Israel and:

2. In 2006, the Taliban intensified their attacks against the Afghanistan government. What area is thought to be the Taliban's base of operations?

3. This country had declared a formal cease-fire in 2002, halting its long and bloody civil war. That ceasefire was largely honored until 2006, when violations on both sides escalated until the country was again immersed in outright war. Which country?

4. In March Basque separatists declared a cease-fire with which country?

5. This African country—one of the world's largest oil producers, and the supplier of one-fifth of the U.S.'s oil—has been the scene of a violent insurgency that intensified in 2006.

6. Which country—engulfed for years in anarchy and having only recently reestablished a fragile government—was attacked in 2006 by Islamic militias?

7. In 2006, the U.S. military, facing spiraling violence in Iraq, launched a military campaign to establish security in what part of the country?

8. Uganda's 18-year-long battle against which group may be coming to an end?

9. Which Asian Pacific island nation erupted in violence in April and May 2006, requiring Australian peace-keeping troops to restore order?

10. In October, a report by the Independent Monitoring Commission in Northern Ireland indicated the following:

1. The month-long conflict in Lebanon was primarily fought between Israel and:
Hezbollah guerrillas

2. In 2006, the Taliban intensified their attacks against the Afghanistan government. What area is thought to be the Taliban's base of operations?
Waziristan, Pakistan

3. This country had declared a formal cease-fire in 2002, halting its long and bloody civil war. That ceasefire was largely honored until 2006, when violations on both sides escalated until the country was again immersed in outright war. Which country?
Sri Lanka

4. In March Basque separatists declared a cease-fire with which country?

5. This African country—one of the world's largest oil producers, and the supplier of one-fifth of the U.S.'s oil—has been the scene of a violent insurgency that intensified in 2006.

6. Which country—engulfed for years in anarchy and having only recently reestablished a fragile government—was attacked in 2006 by Islamic militias?

7. In 2006, the U.S. military, facing spiraling violence in Iraq, launched a military campaign to establish security in what part of the country?

8. Uganda's 18-year-long battle against which group may be coming to an end?
The Lord's Resistance Army

9. Which Asian Pacific island nation erupted in violence in April and May 2006, requiring Australian peace-keeping troops to restore order?
East Timor

10. In October, a report by the Independent Monitoring Commission in Northern Ireland indicated the following:
The Irish Republican Army (IRA) had definitively ceased all paramilitary activity.

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