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1. Who was the first African-American woman elected to Congress?

2. In 2007, who became first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives?

3. Which of these feminists helped found the National Organization for Women?

4. Who was the first American woman to establish a major religion?

5. Which of these women aviators disappeared while attempting to fly around the world?

6. Who was the first woman Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?

7. What prestigious university named its first woman president in 2007?

8. Who was the first American woman in space?

9. Who was the first woman in the United States to received a medical degree?

10. This singer was known as "Empress of the Blues."

1. Who was the first African-American woman elected to Congress?
Shirley Chisholm

2. In 2007, who became first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives?
Nancy Pelosi

3. Which of these feminists helped found the National Organization for Women?
Betty Friedan

4. Who was the first American woman to establish a major religion?
Mary Baker Eddy

5. Which of these women aviators disappeared while attempting to fly around the world?
Amelia Earhart

6. Who was the first woman Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?
Sandra Day O'Connor

7. What prestigious university named its first woman president in 2007?
Harvard University

8. Who was the first American woman in space?
Sally Ride

9. Who was the first woman in the United States to received a medical degree?
Elizabeth Blackwell

10. This singer was known as "Empress of the Blues."
Bessie Smith

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