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  • School and Learning
    Your Child's School

    A parent wonders whether sending his child to a private school will confer some sort of advantage in getting into college.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    A smart but distracted child may just need a bit of time to play developmental catch-up.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    More than one achievement test score needs to be looked at in order to determine if your child's school is providing him and the other students with the education they deserve.

  • School and Learning
    Your Child's School

    Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of multi-age and multi-grade schools.

  • School and Learning
    Your Child's School

    Find ways to challenge your bright student at home, as well as at school.

  • School and Learning
    Your Child's School

    Find out what you should consider when choosing a school for your teen.

  • School and Learning
    Your Child's School

    A mother expresses her concerns about her child's desire to switch schools.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Here are some ways you can help your child slow down.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    With an underperforming child, family and school need to work as a team. Here's how to do it.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Retention may not be necessary with enough skill-building during the summer.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    When your child is enmeshed in a heated rivalry at school, it's up to you and the teacher to turn down the heat.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Unfortunately, sometimes a teacher is just not a good match for a child.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    How can you encourage your child to self-motivate?

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Some children get distracted during classtime. It can be a problem -- even if their grades aren't affected.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    It's rarely a good idea to hold back a good student simply because she wants to stick around.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Holding your child back a grade can backfire. What do you do then?

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    A personality conflict with the teacher can be responsible for a child's acting up in class.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Find out what's involved in gifted testing.

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