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By Halimeh Salem
School and Learning
School and Learning, By Grade, High School
By Halimeh Salem
School and Learning, Homeschooling
By Kate Wehr
School and Learning, By Grade, Middle School
By Halimeh Salem
  • School and Learning
    Study Skills

    Students in the middle grades often have one of two reasons for not handing in assignments: lack of organization, or a fear that success will lead to "not fitting in."

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    When a child stops trying in school, parents need to remember that it is their child's responsibility to pass -- not theirs.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    There are logical steps a parent can take when his eighth-grader refuses to do his homework.

  • School and Learning
    Study Skills

    An expert describes a step-by-step approach for getting a handle on the homework workload.

  • School and Learning
    Parental Involvement

    There's a tendency to wonder if the teacher is at fault when a child gets into trouble constantly. The only way to find out is to communicate!

  • School and Learning
    Back to School

    Read ideas on helping a child adjust to middle school.

  • School and Learning
    Your Child's School

    Find the questions to consider when evaluating a middle school.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Find ways to support and help a child in a difficult school environment.

  • School and Learning

    Our expert suggest resources to help a teen with LD who is not interested in further schooling.

  • School and Learning

    If a child is able to interact with his world in a "joyful manner," this expert deems him ready for homeschooling.

  • School and Learning

    There are lots of ways to get a good education. In this expert's opinion, homeschooling is the best way.

  • School and Learning

    Homeschooling is really about learning in freedom. A curriculum and grades are not necessary for at least the first several years of school.

  • School and Learning

    A child who is motivated and learns easily is an ideal candidate for homeschooling.

  • School and Learning
    Parental Involvement

    Requesting a modification in a child's IEP can help put an end to battles with the school.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Parents who suspect a learning disability in their child have the right to a free evaluation done by your local school or school district.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Here's how to find information on 504 plans.

  • School and Learning
    Study Skills

    Seven years old is young to be lacking in motivation. Take steps to find out why.

  • School and Learning
    Parental Involvement

    Make sure your child feels good about school.

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