School and Learning
Find smart academic advice for helping kids in every grade and subject.
School and LearningSchool Performance
Our expert suggests steps a mother can take to solve her son's problem of talking in class.
School and LearningParental Involvement
The best way to combat your child's learning difficulties is to team up with the teacher. Find tips on communicating with your child's teacher.
School and LearningSchool Performance
Are irresponsibility and distraction reasons to retain a child?
School and LearningSchool Performance
Learn how to reconcile your child's grades with his academic placement.
School and LearningYour Child's School
There are steps parents can take both to enforce the IEP and to obtain compensatory services to make up for the lost services.
School and LearningLanguage Arts
There is certainly a relationship between hearing and spelling, but it's not the only explanation for spelling difficulties.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Even if your local school doesn't offer a gifted program, you can challenge and nurture your gifted child.
School and LearningSocial Studies
Families in which the parents come from different cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds must discover their own ways of celebrating the holiday season.
School and LearningReading
A school psychologist can determine whether a child has a reading disability or just reading difficulty.
School and LearningYour Child's School
Practical techniques for reducing absenteeism in school.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Our expert recommends a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation to identify a teen's problems and true potential.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Learn what an Individual Education Plan is, and how to request one for your child.
School and LearningLanguage Arts
What kinds of problems may cause poor spelling in a bright child?
School and LearningStudy Skills
When summer vacation seems to stretch to infinity, make sure your children's minds stay active.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Find out what it means to be a visual learner, and what kind of help many visual learners require.
School and LearningWriting
Being left-handed in a right-handed world is a challenge. Here's some advice.
School and LearningReading
Our expert advises a mother whose children both have trouble with reading comprehension.
School and LearningMath
Is the rote memorization of math facts truly a necessary skill?
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