Teen Behavior and Discipline
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
When a parent notices warning signs that her troubled teen could become violent, what should she do?
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
This expert believes that when teens are not achieving the grades they are capable of, it's time to set up some consequences.
TeensTeen Behavior and DisciplineBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
While most high-school social situations will not lead to violence, life can be pretty painful for kids who don't fit the norm.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Sometimes children on the cusp of adolescence experience drastic changes in behavior.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
The mother of a sixth-grader describes her son's out-of-control behavior and asks what steps to take next.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Has your teenager suddenly become mono-syllabic? Find out what's typical behavior for a 13-year old.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Parenting isn't a popularity contest and we should expect some disagreement, anger, and resentment from our maturing, independent-minded teens.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
The parent of a troubled teen gets advice on how to deal with his violent behavior.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
A parent wonders whether her son should receive additional punishment at home for a major mistake that cost him his job.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Our expert advises a parent not to worry about hereditary violence, but to be alert to behavior signals in her sons.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Living with a preteen can be like walking through minefield -- one wrong move could set them off. Here are ten ways to keep the peace while making sure that the homework gets done.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
There are some pre-incident indicators associated with boys who act out violently.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Here's what to say when you won't or can't buy your daughter those $50 jeans.
TeensTeen Behavior and DisciplineBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
Find out how to make sure your teen knows how to communicate fears of violence.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Parent is worried about the Youth Pastor's inappropriate relationship with her daughter.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Have your teenage daughter take this quiz to learn what she needs to keep herself safe.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
A junior in high school seeks advice about how to get motivated again.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Find suggestions on how to deal with a teen who dislikes school.
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