Teen Dating
TeensTeen Dating
No college instructor should ever engage a student in this blatant sexual and manipulative manner.
TeensTeen Dating
When a seven-year-old starts asking questions about sex, don't rush into telling her everything.
TeensTeen DatingBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
Find out how your daughter can protect herself from sexual predators in this exclusive interview with America's leading expert on violence.
TeensTeen Dating
Talk to your son about sex and date rape.
TeensTeen DatingBy Gavin de Becker
Help your teenage daughter to respond firmly to strangers and stay safe.
TeensTeen Dating
After a bad first experience with sex, a teen wants to know what she can do to feel better about herself.
TeensTeen Dating
Find the words to prevent hurt feelings and ease broken hearts on Valentine's Day.
TeensTeen Dating
Our expert urges a parent not to feel at fault for her son's sexual explorations.
TeensTeen Dating
Use our timeline to chart your child's romantic development.
TeensTeen Dating
A child cannot really mature unless she is allowed to make her own decisions -- even if they conflict with her parents.
TeensTeen Dating
Whether or not your 17-year-old daughter is "ready" for dating is best determined by your daughter.
TeensTeen Dating
A six-year-old should be able to understand that this activity is performed only in private.
TeensTeen Dating
A certain amount of Sex Ed is appropriate for elementary school students. Learn what content is appropriate.
TeensTeen Dating
What should a mother do, if anything, when her 15-year-old becomes sexually active?
TeensTeen Dating
A mother asks what she can do to help her pregnant 18-year-old daughter, who is embroiled in a bad relationship.
TeensTeen Dating
A mother asks whether she should be concerned about her 11-year-old's sudden interest in girls.
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