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  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    How to teach you child that certain types of behavoir are unacceptable.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    How to deal with defiant toddlers.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Here are good reasons why you should never spank your child.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Learn the best way to deal with a child whose emotional nature is having a negative effect on those around him.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    An increased interest in bathroom behavior and talk is normal for children at certain stages of development, but don't let it get out of hand.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Many kids have murmurs heard by the doctor, but not all types are necessarily a problem.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Punishing a four-year-old for making loud train and fire-truck noises is an inappropriate response.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    You can expect a normal toddler to increasingly test her autonomy and independence.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Biting is a normal behavior in toddlers, and there's little need for serious intervention.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Two-year-olds do not yet have a hard-wired, internalized conscience.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Is tantrum-like behavior in a toddler normal, or is it a sign of trouble?

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Learn the best method for weaning a child from the pacifier.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Are rage episodes "normal" behavior for a three-year-old? What causes them, and what can be done?

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Two-and-a-half-year-olds really want to have control over something -- and what they eat is the number one control issue.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Learn how to use time-outs as an effective discipline technique.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Get some basic advice on dealing with the "terrible twos."

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Read tips from our expert on how to handle temper tantrums in an eight-month-old.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    An expert reassures a mother that it is normal for three-year-olds to lie.

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