Outoor Activities
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Encourage your child to use his nose. Lead him around the house and make a game of hunting down interesting scents.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Bury "pirate gold" so your child can go on a treasure hunt. Create your own gold, or find other treasure items to conceal.
Entertainment and ActivitiesCamping
Don't know what to do with your kids this summer? Learn more about overnight camps. For many children, summer camp activities are the most fun they'll have all year!
Entertainment and ActivitiesCamping
Learn how to keep the entire family safe from animals, weather, and accidents, when roughing it in the great outdoors.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Learn different water games you can play in the pool with friends and family.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
The object of this activity is to observe how water gets muddy and clears again.
Outoor Activities
Follow these simple instructions to try a fun flotation experiment with your child.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
This is a great party activity. Everyone will search for items found on a list.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
This nature activity teaches children how to build, position, and read a sundial.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Follow these simple instructions to show your child how to construct a rain maker.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Kids can develop their lawn and yard work skills -- and make a bit of money -- by offering their services to others.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Here's a "business idea" for your kids: make bedding plants for sale to the neighbors.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
This outdoor activity will help your child get oriented to the rooms of your house.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
In this outdoor activity, you and your child will be tossing sponges at a chalk bull's-eye on the ground.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
These kid-friendly outings are fun and memorable!
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
This activity describes how to set up a sidewalk-art contest for all the kids in your neighborhood.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Have fun creating mud pies with your toddler. Then let them dry in the sun.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
After a rain shower, try this activity with your toddler. Go outside and go puddle jumping!
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