Outoor Activities
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Strip your toddler down to a diaper, or put him in a swimsuit. Then find a shady spot where you can play in the dirt!
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Plant a tree with your child and learn about it as you go through the seasons.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Make large, soapy bubbles with your child in this fun and easy activity.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Go outdoors with your toddler and select a flower to give to someone as a happy surprise.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
In this fun outdoor activity, your child leads you on an adventurous nature walk!
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
In this summer activity, children will make a giant bubble wand and learn how to blow bubbles.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Spend some quality quiet time with your child with this simple outdoor activity. Just take a blanket, pillows, and some books outside -- and relax!
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Green onions can be grown from seed in a coffee can. Your child will love gardening!
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Take a walk around your neighborhood with your child, and discuss what makes it unique.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Use an old sock and some grass seed to create a "buddy" that really grows hair.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Show your preschooler how to grow vines with the swift and easy sweet potato vine.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Here is a recipe for a great liquid fertilizer made from homemade compost.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Try this hands-on activity with your preschooler -- show him how plants grow.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
A sunny spot and a homemade composter will make great soil.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
These helpful hints will ensure that you have a great nature walk with your preschool child.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
This outdoor activity teaches about surface tension. Your child will marvel at the hole in the middle of this bubble.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
If you don't have any plant seeds, plant a garlic clove to show your preschooler how plants grow.
Entertainment and ActivitiesOutoor Activities
Nothing to do on a summer afternoon? Organize a bubble-blowing contest with your children.
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