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  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids

    How can you keep your child grounded when he gets overly excited about his athletic performance, but still provide positive feedback?

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    A family therapist helps parents identify depression.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    A mother seeks advice on how to help her honor student son, who refuses to lighten his academic load.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Ringworm is spread to others through direct contact with an infected person or animal.

  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids

    Giving kids money and the okay to shoot people with guns is unwise.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Find out how long children should stay away from a child diagnosed with mono, and what other steps are important.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    Find out about Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), a syndrome where children have hostile, negative, and defiant behaviors.

  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids

    Efforts to encourage a child to play organized sports by signing him up will not help him develop a sense of autonomy.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    My child loves to eat. Should he be on a diet?

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    To help a child achieve a healthy weight, creating healthy eating habits and increasing the level of physical activity are necessary. Exercise should become a routine part of the child's day, like brushing teeth.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Find out whether warts indicate a problem in your child's immune system.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    Kids as young as four years of age can be clinically depressed.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    A grandmother wants to know how she can persuade her ex-daughter-in-law to get her abused child the therapy that he needs.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    If your child is on antibiotics, how long do you have to wait before they can return to school? For some infections, it's 24 hours, but that's not always the case.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Infection is the most common cause of pinkeye (also known as conjunctivitis), which is easily spread through direct contact with fingers contaminated by germs.

  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids

    Parents need to keep some focus on their child's emotional health in their attempts to get him to lose weight.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    A mother seeks advice on how to find a therapist who is a good fit for both her and her daughter.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    It is not "normal" or healthy for a child to be so distressed for so long.

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