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  • Kids
    Children's Health

    Difficulty hearing after a loud concert is normal and will usually disappear after a few hours.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    Learn why preparation is the answer to alleviating test anxiety.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Do you have questions about the common cold? We've got the answers.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    It's cold and flu season. You know your kid should be eating healthy to stay healthy, but how? We'll give you the lowdown on which foods to give them, which remedies don't actually work, and tips on how to sneak healthy stuff into their meals.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Treatment of head lice generally includes the application of permethrin cream rinse, which can be bought over the counter.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Learn how to protect your child from meningitis.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Tips for helping your kids develop good dental habits that will last a lifetime.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    To avoid Lyme disease, be sure to look for ticks on your children every day.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    There is a vaccine available for Lyme disease, but it cannot be given to children under the age of 15.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Unfortunately, the signs and symptoms of meningitis aren't always the same with every child.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Read about the controversy within the medical and dental communities about fluoride supplementation.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    Get tips on how to encourage a six-year-old to eat a greater variety of foods.

  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids

    It's up to adults to teach kids that it's not whether you win or lose, but good sportsmanship is how you play the game.

  • Kids
    Children's Health

    Find out what doctors recommend to keep your kids in tip-top shape.

  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids

    Find out why there is a critical need for water during exercise, and how you can ensure your child gets it.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Although you cannot use the color of nasal discharge as a sole indicator of infection versus allergy, green mucus does point more toward infection.

  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids

    Every year 20 million kids register for youth hockey, football, baseball, soccer, and other competitive sports. So why do most kids quit sports by the time they turn 13?

  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Sometimes good kids can be bad sports. Here are the words you need to talk with your child about sportsmanship.

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