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  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    Stress can be a big disrupter for kids; causing anxiety and sleep disturbances. Learn how to spot the signs of a stressed-out child.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    Learn how to practice and teach kids the act of mindfulness; a form of meditation which emphasizes living in the present moment to avoid depression.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Teach kids to be the ultimate germ fighter! This colorful and informational printable will show kids ways to stay healthy and stop the spread of germs.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    Your kid won't go near vegetables? See if you can sneak in a few here and there with some of these suggestions.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    The swine flu pandemic is a concern this season. Find out how to prevent the spread of the H1N1 virus in schools.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    Find tips for making healthier food choices at your favorite fast food restaurant.

  • Your Toddler and Sleep

  • Your Toddler and Sleep

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Find out where the germiest places in your home are, and follow the recommended steps to keep your family from getting sick.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    From nursery school through college, fat students experience ostracism, discouragement, and sometimes violence. Find out what you can do to help your overweight child.

  • Kids
    Children's Health
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Children who eat too much salt and don't drink enough water are at risk for kidney stones. Doctors across the United States are seeing a steep rise in young patients with kidney stones, some as young as five years old.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids

    Does the sport of gymnastics cause physical delays in young children? Find information on raising a healthy, athletic child, and tips to know if the sport is right for her.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    This fun and interactive tool helps you plan a healthy, balanced diet for your family, based on recommendations from the USDA.

  • Kids
    Children's Health

    Kids' allergies can be triggered by any number of allergens in the home, in school, and out in public. Learn the sources of the most common irritants and find out how to minimize your child's allergic reactions.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    This article gives insight on how to protect your child from asthma and its symptoms.

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