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  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    The USDA presents an easy way to fit the five major food groups on your plate at every meal. Use this visual guide to design a healthy plate for your family.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    A new studies suggests kids with ADHD are more creative than their non-ADHD counterparts.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Do you have a whiny child on your hands? Use these tips and strategies for all ages to nip this bad habit in the bud.

  • Kids

    Children with autism can get confused about appropriate behavior in public. Get tips to help your child learn the rules about what to do in private and in public in this excerpt from Areva Martin's book, The Everyday Advocate: Standing Up for Your Child with Autism.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Telling your child he has autism or answering his questions about why he is different from other kids can be difficult. Get tips and talking points in an excerpt from Areva Martin's book, The Everyday Advocate: Standing Up for Your Child with Autism.

  • Kids

    Parents of children with autism can learn how to become a powerful advocate for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Learn the "Seven Principles of Advocacy" from parent and attorney Areva Martin's book, The Everyday Advocate: Standing Up for Your Child with Autism.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Attachment parenting, helicopter parenting, free-range parenting -- these are all terms you've probably heard, but might not know what they mean. Take a look at today's most prevalent parenting styles, and the pros and cons of each, and decide which (if any) you're on board with.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Why is your child struggling in school? In her book "That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week," author Ana Homayoun identifies eight common styles of disorganization and distraction commonly associated with academically struggling boys.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Getting a child with LD to do her homework can be tough. Find out how other parents manage, and get tips and ideas that might work for your child.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    Do your kids get bored with the same old sandwiches all school year? Find some easy new lunch ideas that will make your child love his bagged lunch every day.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Find out the most common characteristics of CAPD to help you decide whether your child needs to be tested.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Having a child with LD can be tough. Find tips to help cope with his behaviors.

  • Kids
    By Elisa Cinelli

    Read up on the characteristics of Asperger's Syndrome, so you can find strategies to cope with your child's behaviors.

  • Kids
    Instilling Values and Manners

    What's the path to good manners for your children? Get age-appropriate tips for raising polite children, from toddlers to teens, who behave well at the dinner table and beyond.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    A new study has revealed that children exposed to higher amounts of a common pesticide are more likely to have ADHD.

  • Kids
    Outdoor Safety

    Follow these important guidelines for protecting every member of your family from the sun's harmful rays, so you can enjoy your summertime fun.

  • Kids
    Communicating with Your Kids

    Every state has their own laws against bullying. How can does the law protect children from bullies?

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    Do your brain a favor and feed it foods packed with nutrients to keep it healthy and fit. Decrease your chance of disease while improving your mood, thinking, and mental skills with these brain-boosting super foods.

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