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  • Kids
    Social Development

    Talking to the parents of harassers is not a good option, unless you know them well and are sure they would not approve of their children's behavior.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    Is parental consent required in order for a student to see a school counselor?

  • Kids
    Communicating with Your Kids

    There's a difference between normal exploration in young people and repeatedly engaging in prohibited behaviors.

  • Kids

    Is your ADHD child always running late, losing schoolwork, can't find what he needs for homework? Use this checklist to help your child get organized.

  • Kids
    Social Development

    Some children have a habit of latching onto older relatives who mistreat them.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Don't give up on a child who is acting out at school.

  • Kids
    Building Self Esteem

    A mother complains that her child's teacher is not helping her, despite her child's IEP for learning disabilities.

  • Kids
    Building Self Esteem

    The experts answer parents' questions about building kids' confidence and resilience.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Many gifted children exhibit a range of abilities. Programs for gifted students need not be "all or none" options.

  • Kids
    Cognitive and Psychological

    Sometimes an imaginary friend can help a child work through some inner questions, needs, fears, or concerns of her own.

  • Kids
    Childhood Safety

    When a child starts playing with matches, it's time to have a calm, serious talk about the rules and consequences of this behavior.

  • Kids
    Social Development
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Learn how parents can help their children find a sense of belonging in healthy and positive ways.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    According to one researcher, gifted people may make up as much as 20 percent of the prison population.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Gifted children often demonstrate strengths and weaknesses. Try reframing a boring subject into a stimulating task to motivate a gifted child.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Given the perception of giftedness by others, it is no wonder students try to hide their abilities. Gifted kids are often taunted by others.

  • Kids
    Social Development

    Here's some advice on steps to take when your child suddenly withdraws from others in school.

  • Kids
    Social Development

    Our expert describes the typical peer-mediation program, which can successfully resolve a problem between bully and victim.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Children may use past problems within the family as an excuse for causing trouble and for garnering attention.

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