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  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Don't overreact if your young child seems to be exhibiting non-traditional gender traits.

  • Kids

    What should you do when you and your husband disagree about ADHD and special programs?

  • Kids

    What can working parents do with the kids after camp is over, and before school has started?

  • Kids

    When a child with ADHD starts a new school, it's important to get him into special services as soon as possible.

  • Kids
    Online Safety

    Safety trumps issues of confidentiality when it comes to telling another parent that their child is visiting harmful web sites.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    If you feel your child is not safe with a friend, you have every right to tell that friend's parents.

  • Kids
    Social Development

    It's a good idea to have conversations with a child about what it means to be popular. Girls in their early teens often worry too much about popularity.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    A complete psychological evaluation can rule out serious emotional problems, but it's also helpful to learn all you can about good parenting.

  • Kids
    Social Development

    A good peer-mediation program is the most valuable tool a school has in combating violence and bullying in any school.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    When family rules are made, there should also be consequences set up for breaking them, which the whole family should agree on.

  • Kids

    Find some tips for helping reluctant readers with ADHD.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Some fathers think their sons should be men and fight to resolve problems.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    When your child is willing to go to extremes to get her way, it's time to seek professional help.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    The teacher has a right to punish your child, within reason, but occasionally the punishment may be misguided or even harmful.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Lying is common behavior in children, but it can be a serious problem. Ask yourself: How frequently does this behavior occur?

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    The problem of having one sibling identified as gifted and the other not qualifying for the program is difficult, but not insurmountable.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    There is not much research at this point that examines the possible connection between generalized anxiety disorder and giftedness.

  • Kids
    Communicating with Your Kids

    Telling your curious child where babies come from requires tact and discretion, not to mention honesty.

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