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First trimester weeks

Congrats! During the first trimester, you’re getting used to the idea of being pregnant.

Second trimester weeks

As you enter this second trimester, your body will settle down to pregnancy.

Third trimester weeks

You've reached the third and final trimester and will be heavily pregnant by now.

Week 4 of Pregnancy

This week, you'll need a little patience as you wait, wonder, and hope.
The embryo-to-be, now securely implanted in the lining of your uterus, is starting to develop. Although you could do a home pregnancy test this week, you may end up disappointed or uncertain because at this stage a definite result is unlikely. It can be nerve racking, wondering if an unwanted period is about to arrive and dash your hopes. Talk to your partner and share your feelings with him-he may be anxious, too.

3 Weeks, 5 Days

254 days to go...

3 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant Blastocyst

Your baby today

The ball of cells, known as the blastocyst, that will form the embryo has now completely embedded within the lining of the uterus and the lining has regenerated over it.

Unfortunately, in the complex process of conception, only about half of all fertilized eggs progress to become a blastocyst and only about half of these go on to become successfully implanted in the uterus.

As the fertilized egg becomes completely embedded in your uterus, it may cause some light bleeding.

When the blastocyst embeds, there may be some bleeding, known as "spotting." This often leads to confusion regarding the dating of the pregnancy, not least because it can occur around the time that you would normally start your period.

The color of the blood can vary. In most cases it is pinkish, although bright red blood (fresh blood) can occur, as can brownish, old blood. As long as it is not profuse, the color really doesn't matter. If the bleeding lasts for a short period, and you don't experience discomfort, it's likely that things are just fine, but do see your doctor for a checkup.

Around 25 percent of women will experience some bleeding in early pregnancy, but most go on to full term. However, in some cases, bleeding does mean a miscarriage is occurring so always report the fact that you've bled to your doctor.

This computer-generated image shows the ball of cells – the blastocyst – as it appears situated within the uterus. The outer ring of interconnected cells that will eventually form the placenta is clearly seen.

As A Matter Of Fact

It is thought that around 50 percent of pregnancies might miscarry before implantation.

Up to a third of pregnancies miscarry up to the fifth week and around a quarter will end in miscarriage between the fifth and seventh week. Thankfully, the risk of miscarriage becomes much lower as the weeks go by, decreasing dramatically after the 12th week of pregnancy.

Doubling up

As with many parents, you probably thought long and hard about trying to conceive your second child. There's no ideal age gap between children, but consider:

    The pros:

  • You are in "baby mode" and will be used to the routine and all aspects of baby care. You will have all the equipment you need from bottles to a carriage and crib.
  • A two-year-old might find it easier to accept his new sibling than a four-year-old who is much more conscious of having the sole attention of his parents.
  • There will always be squabbles, but children close in age tend to play better together.

    The cons:

  • It's tiring caring for a one- or two-year-old while pregnant.
  • It can put a strain on your body to have pregnancies close together.
  • If you have a second baby before the first one can walk, you could be doing a lot of carrying, increasing the chance of backaches.
  • You won't have as much time to get to know your first child before your second is on the scene.

3 Weeks, 5 Days

254 days to go...

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