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REC Parenting is an online platform supporting parents and caregivers.

You take care of your family. Let us take care of you. Because the best way to ensure that your children do well is to make sure that you are doing well. And it is not just us saying this! The famous psychologist, John Bowlby, said back in 1951: “If we value our children, we must cherish their parents.” Now, let's get started!

REC parenting offers:

  • One-To-One Support

    Our fantastic team of qualified therapists is available 24/7 to fit your schedule. Investing in your mental health is investing in the mental health of your family. Do not feel lonely or judged again.

  • Masterclasses

    The most up-to-date and comprehensive parenting encyclopedia delivered by the best experts in their fields. We translate the latest scientific research on all things parenting so you never again doubt yourself.

  • Podcasts

    The REC Parenting podcast brings you honest, open conversations about parenting. Each month we interview sportspeople, businesspeople, actors, celebrities, and journalists about their parenting experiences. Because when we share experiences, we realise that we are not alone.

  • Blogs and Toolkits

    We have a wealth of science-based articles, so you can find the information you need, whenever you need it. If the topic is important to you, we are writing about it. If you cannot find the information you need, let us know and we will find it for you!

Browse a selection of their resources below, or find out more on REC Parenting's website.

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    Did you yell at your kids over the holidays? Who didn’t??? If you are one of those parents (I am with you), you may feel awful reading recent news headlines such as: ‘Adults shouting at children can be as harmful to a child’s development as sexual or physical abuse” (CNN); ‘Shouting at children may be as damaging as physical or sexual abuse’ (The Guardian). These headlines are two examples of many articles that came out recently based on a new study considering verbal abuse a form of child abuse.

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    Believing in Santa is a great part of being a child. It brings families together and so much excitement, fun, and enjoyment to children (and many adults).However, in the past few years somepsychologistshave voiced their concerns against Santa

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    Being a parent carries a lot of mental load: “I must remember to make an appointment at the dentist for Joe”, “Mel needs to wear red socks to school tomorrow”, “It is Sophie’s birthday next week, I need to organize the balloons”, “ I need to leave work early on Thursday because it is Peter’s parents’ evening” and on and on it goes.

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    To mark the end of Black History Month we would like to reflect on why we should talk about race with our children and how to do it

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    All families face struggles, but families formed through adoption often face challenges of their own. In this article we are going to focus on children who are adopted and some common struggles they may face.Adoption is a lifelong journey

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    We’ve all been there: You are at the supermarket with your 2-year-old. He eyes the chocolate chip cookies

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world in different ways. Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from the ‘typical’ person

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    With the start of the academic year, new friendships are formed, others are left behind, social groups reshuffle and sadly, bullying may happen. Because let’s be honest, bullying happens in most schools

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    The summer holiday is a good time to reflect on what worked and did not work during the previous academic year, allowing you to start the new one feeling refreshed (hopefully!) and with new goals. Doing so will help you to achieve work-life balance

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    The first day of nursery is a big day, not only for your child but for the whole family. In this article we give you seven tips to help you prepare your child for their first day.1

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    Should children keep on doing schoolwork during the summer holidays or should they be given a break? This is not an easy question to answer and depending on who you ask, you will most likely get different answers

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    One of the most important skills that we can teach our children is emotional competence. Children who are emotionally competent do better at school, have more friends, are better liked by their teachers, and are more likely to help others

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    With many children already on holidays and many others about to start, parents are facing the challenge of how to deal with having them at home while you still need to work

  • Ask Dr. Ana - Free Parenting Advice

    As Pride Month comes to an end, we would like to talk about the development of children living in same-sex and transgender families.To do this, we are lucky to countProfessor Susan Golombokas one of our experts

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