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  • School and Learning
    High School

    For every SAT question you leave blank, you lose 10 points.

  • School and Learning
    High School

    Learn how you can best support your high-school child academically.

  • School and Learning

    This activity will teach your preschool child about product origins. Why does milk come from nearby and bananas from far away?

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    Homework can increase dramatically in sixth grade. Here's what you should do.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    This article describes what experts define as typical behavior for an nine-year-old.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    Learn why your child is having difficulties with math, and what you can do to help him.

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    The best response is to back off and expect your stepson to take responsibility for his schoolwork.

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    The only way any of us learn is through experience and tough consequences. Unfortunately, some kids have to experience the consequences.

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    A lack of organizational skills is typical in sixth grade, but learning to be organized is crucial to a child's success now and throughout his life.

  • School and Learning
    High School

    There are many correspondence and independent study programs that can help your daughter obtain an accredited diploma.

  • School and Learning

    If your child is gifted, you should meet with the classroom teacher as early as possible in the year.

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    Seventh grade is a very tough transition year, and often students and their parents have to change the way they approach studying.

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    This child appears to be manifesting a typical eighth-grade, second-quarter trait -- feeling that "it won't happen to me and I don't need any help."

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    It is common for kids -- especially seventh graders -- to get overwhelmed by homework and to quit.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    Read tips to determine whether your young child is being challenged in school.

  • School and Learning
    High School

    Learn from an expert how to talk to your child when he says he dislikes school.

  • School and Learning

    This expert explains that the focus in the typical kindergarten class is on teaching children pre-reading skills.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    Are timed math tests appropriate in first grade? Read what this expert says.

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