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  • School and Learning

    Read expert opinions on the worth of keeping a child back in kindergarten.

  • School and Learning

    A parent is well-advised to consider the benefits and costs of her son's advanced work in kindergarten.

  • School and Learning

    Kindergarten readiness depends on many factors.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    Read about a typical workload for a fourth-grader and how to help him organize effectively.

  • School and Learning

    Read about the pros and cons on all-day kindergartens.

  • School and Learning
    High School

    A teen with LD and poor spelling seeks help studying for the GED.

  • School and Learning

    There are many things a parent can do to help a child prepare to enter kindergarten.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    How can parents go about identifying the real reasons for their child's difficulties in school?

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    Read about ways to promote good test scores in every subject.

  • School and Learning
    High School

    When your child is undecided about school, how should you proceed?

  • School and Learning
    High School

    There is no reason to panic just because an 18-year-old does not want to go to college or get a job. Here's what you should do.

  • School and Learning

    A mother seeks help tempering her son's enthusiasm in kindergarten class.

  • School and Learning
    High School
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Learn the real importance of the SAT score for college admission and what other factors matter for your high-school student.

  • School and Learning

    Our expert calls a teacher's recommendation of demotion to kindergarten after only a few days in first grade "irresponsible, unprofessional, and not in the overall best interests" of a child.

  • School and Learning

    Parents are the best judge of what their child is ready for -- cognitively, emotionally, physically, and socially.

  • School and Learning
    High School

    Our expert suggests how a teen might go about making a tough decision.

  • School and Learning
    Middle School
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    This article describes what sixth graders will learn in their social studies class.

  • School and Learning
    High School
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Learn about the SAT II, its importance, and which subject tests are offered.

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