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  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Being singled out can be uncomfortable for gifted children.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Find a description of the differences between the Raven's Progressive Matrices and the Cognitive Ability Test.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    A gifted person might have an average IQ, but the question has a complicated answer.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Get information on how to find summer programs in Kentucky for a gifted child.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Confidence-building experiences in school and at home with family and friends help children become more outgoing.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    When your child is experiencing problems in the Resource Room, there are steps you can take.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Our expert recommends an excellent spelling program.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Find out how to get help designing specific instructional goals and objectives for your child.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    A teacher seeks recommended resources to help her teach a gifted child.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    IDEA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are two federal laws that affect how a child with disabilities is educated. Find out how they differ and which one may apply to your child.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    When a child's academic skills are uneven, seek an educational assessment to determine how the school can best serve him.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    The expectations in an honors curriculum may more than your child is ready for.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Children who have difficulty learning their letters despite repeated exposure to them may in fact be showing early signs of dyslexia.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Learn some tips for helping kids who have difficulty mastering math facts.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Custody questions should be addressed on an individual basis.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    When children are identified as both gifted and dyslexic, it is appropriate to provide services in both areas.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    A mother asks how to find classes on 504 Plans in the Solano, Sacramento county areas of California.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Different areas of development -- physical, intellectual, social, and emotional -- are often not at the same point in gifted-and-talented children.

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