Learning Styles
School and LearningLearning Styles
How can you make sure your children get homework that is clearly within their ability range and matched to their preferred learning style?
School and LearningLearning Styles
If your child is diagnosed with dyslexia but gets no help from the school, where can you go for assisted help?
School and LearningLearning StylesBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
This article discusses the parents of a special needs child's options if they do not believe the school is complying with a Individualized Education Program.
School and LearningLearning StylesBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
This article discusses how long a school system can legally take to complete an evaluation of a special needs child once requested.
School and LearningLearning Styles
This article describes the rights of parents to object to the premature graduation of their special needs student.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Learn how to organize the legal papers associated with the education of your special needs student.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Learn how to organize the legal papers associated with the education of your special needs student.
School and LearningLearning Styles
This article explains in depth what the parents of a special needs child's rights are when it comes to school placement.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Parents who are having chronic battles with their children do well to find somebody else to play the role of "pusher."
School and LearningLearning Styles
When a school system tests kids for learning styles, they should provide an explanation of learning style theory and what learning styles they are inventorying.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Our expert recommends a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation to identify a teen's problems and true potential.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Find out what it means to be a visual learner, and what kind of help many visual learners require.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Since the range of what's "normal" in children in kindergarten is quite wide, concerned parents should seek a multidisciplinary evaluation.
School and LearningLearning Styles
There are lots of people and programs that can help someone with a learning disability that affects spelling and reading.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Even if your local school doesn't offer a gifted program, you can challenge and nurture your gifted child.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Learn what an Individual Education Plan is, and how to request one for your child.
School and LearningLearning Styles
It can be difficult to convince a teacher to accommodate your child's special needs. Work with the teacher, not against her.
School and LearningLearning Styles
Most people with dyslexia find spelling extremely difficult, but the problem can be overcome.
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