5 Positive Phrases To Say To Your Anxious Child About School
Do you have a little one who is anxious about going back to school? Here are five phrases you can say to your child to help them feel excited and less... read more
Showing 2343 results found for Help Your Child Beat Procrastination:
Do you have a little one who is anxious about going back to school? Here are five phrases you can say to your child to help them feel excited and less... read more
Do you know the signs when your child is about to have a temper tantrum? Here's how to predict and stop a temper tantrum before it even happens. read more
If your child has threatened to kill themselves or expressed suicidal thoughts or self-harm behaviors. read more
We have never faced a back-to-school season quite like this year. The uncertainty and unknown is causing stress and anxiety not only for parents and t... read more
When your child starts to display "big emotions", it's easier to join them and get mad and upset. But, it's more beneficial if you help them. Here are... read more
Living with a middle-schooler can be like walking through a minefield -- one wrong move could set him off. Here are ten ways to effectly handle pretee... read more
Find resources to learn more about the Common Core Standards, why they were created, and what it means for your child's education. read more
Help your child write a letter expressing her likes and dislikes, and then make a time capsule to put it in. read more
Find out how to cope with your child's learning disabilities as she grows. read more
At what age should you get your child a cell phone? According to PewResearch Center, the average age is between 12 and 13, but when to get your child ... read more
With the warmer spring weather (yay!) comes tons of outdoor play and, of course, muddy clothes (boo!). The next time your little walks through the fro... read more
Summer is coming to a close, which means it's time to get ready for a new school year. Help your kid get organized with these 10 tips. read more
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