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Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities
By Dr. Amy Webb, Ph.D.
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Ellie Lott
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Erica Loop
  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Recurrent headaches are very common complaints in both children and adolescents.

  • Teens
    Changes During Puberty

    Breast development during puberty occurs in about 70 percent of boys. Get information about this embarrassing problem.

  • Teens
    Changes During Puberty

    It can be "normal" for a girl to skip a few months of periods, especially early on. But when is it a cause for concern?

  • Teens
    Teen Mental Health

    An obsessive interest in gore, serial killers, rapists, suicide, and depression is definitely a cause for concern.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    At age 10, preadolescent hormones can fuel "puppy love."

  • Teens
    Changes During Puberty

    An 11-year-old is bewildered by the changes happening to her body.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Learn how to prepare your teen for prom night.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Our expert tells a teen, "I am here to tell you that you can feel a lot better about yourself and your life."

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    Here are the words you need to talk with your preteens and teenagers about terrorism and war.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    After a bad first experience with sex, a teen wants to know what she can do to feel better about herself.

  • Teens
    Changes During Puberty

    The athletic feats that a young female skater can perform are not so easy once she matures.

  • Teens
    Teen Values and Responsibilities

    Here, a parenting expert and a family therapist provide support and advice for addressing the topic of racist jokes and racist language with your teen.

  • Teens
    Teen Social Development

    Students are answering their true calling when they pick up a book to read on their own or challenge themselves in their coursework.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Your role as a caring parent is to advise your child against any potentially dangerous activity -- whether or not you yourself have engaged in it.

  • Teens
    Changes During Puberty

    Find out at what point asymmetric breast development should be evaluated.

  • Teens
    Teen Mental Health

    Our expert surmises that a teen's depression is due to more than just problems with switching to a new school.

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    A junior in high school seeks advice about how to get motivated again.

  • Teens
    LGBTQ Teens

    Don't be worried about your son's occasional show-and-tell with other boys.

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