TeensTeen Dating
Should parents allow their child to spend Spring Break with another family the parents don't know?
TeensDriving ResponsiblyBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
Find sound advice on dealing with teens and driving.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
The parent of a troubled teen gets advice on how to deal with his violent behavior.
TeensLGBTQ Teens
A mother wonders whether her son's cross-dressing urges are abnormal.
TeensDrugs and Alcohol
A mother seeks advice on how to help her daughter with a drinking problem.
TeensTeen DatingBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
Between the media and their peers, kids are constantly barraged with messages about sex.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
A parent wonders whether her son should receive additional punishment at home for a major mistake that cost him his job.
TeensEating Disorders and Nutrition
Our expert advises a teenager to try exercise, rather than dieting.
TeensTeen Dating
Our expert says that teens should be allowed to socialize in any room of the house, with the exception of the bedroom.
TeensDriving Responsibly
Our expert advises parents not to use the car as punishment.
TeensTeen Values and Responsibilities
Use this short guide to help your teen learn to budget.
TeensChores and MoneyBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
Help your teen land that perfect summer job with these tips.
TeensTeen Mental Health
When parents behave like this, it can make a kid feel that the only time she is appreciated by her parents is when she gets high grades.
TeensEating Disorders and Nutrition
Eating disorders are showing up in kids as young as elementary school ages. Learn to recognize the warning signs.
TeensEating Disorders and NutritionBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
Personality, genes, the pressures of a celebrity-crazed culture can all add up to food and weight-obsessed kids.
TeensTeen Dating
No college instructor should ever engage a student in this blatant sexual and manipulative manner.
TeensTeen Social Development
Our expert advises parents to respect their daughter's wishes to "lay off her" in their efforts to make her a better athlete.
TeensTeen Self-Expression
It's normal for a 16-year-old to want to present herself physically as she chooses, not as her parents think she should look.
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