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Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities
By Dr. Amy Webb, Ph.D.
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Ellie Lott
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Erica Loop
  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    It's one thing for a seven-year-old to joke around with his friends using these words, but he should not be using those words around you or other adults.

  • Teens
    Teen Mental Health

    Kids with ADHD need a lot of attention, and it's important to find acceptable and positive ways for them to get it.

  • Teens
    Chores and Money

    Part of your responsibility as a parent is to teach your child financial responsibility.

  • Teens
    Eating Disorders and Nutrition

    Your stepdaughter's obsessive relationship with food is obviously not about food.

  • Teens
    Eating Disorders and Nutrition

    When your teen's "friend" is making cruel remarks, don't be afraid to step in and seek a meeting with his parents.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    A parent plans to meet her daughter's boyfriend, as well as his parents. She wonders what questions she should ask them.

  • Teens
    Changes During Puberty

    Advice on how to deal with breast development and puberty signs in girls.

  • Teens
    Changes During Puberty

    Young women and adolescents should start having gynecologic examinations when they turn 18, or when they first become sexually active (if that occurs before the age of 18).

  • Teens
    Changes During Puberty

    The purpose of the first gynecological exam is to evaluate the size and shape of the uterus (womb) and ovaries, to do a Pap smear to detect early signs of cervical cancer, and to screen for sexually transmitted diseases.

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    Has your teenager suddenly become mono-syllabic? Find out what's typical behavior for a 13-year old.

  • Teens
    Puberty and Sex
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    This is a crash course on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

  • Teens
    Teen Social Development

    Teens aren't equipped to deal with the attention and sexual pressure from boys that their sexual dress invites.

  • Teens
    Eating Disorders and Nutrition

    It's not normal insecurity for a healthy, developing teenager to be disgusted by her physical appearance.

  • Teens
    Puberty and Sex
    By Sharon Greenthal

    Everything you need to know about sex ed for boys and what to do if you find out your child is watching pornography.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Parents ask what they should do after finding evidence that their son may have had sex in their bed with his girlfriend.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Shaming and threatening a teen for associating with other ethnic groups will only create emotional distance between her and yourselves.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Don't punish your child for smoking.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Learn why the mixed messages that parents send to teens when they allow them to drink at home may actually be to blame for excessive teen drinking.

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