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Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities
By Dr. Amy Webb, Ph.D.
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Ellie Lott
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Erica Loop
  • Teens
    LGBTQ Teens

    Being gay has to do with much more than physical contact with a same-gender person.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    A mother questions whether it would be inappropriate to allow her 14-year-old to wear thong underwear.

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    Many approaches can work with a teen who's out of control, but they all take time -- so you have to be in this for the long haul.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    The wisdom of providing free condoms to high-school students remains under debate.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    If you catch your child smoking pot in his room, should you call the police?

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    When a parent notices warning signs that her troubled teen could become violent, what should she do?

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    A 13-year-old asks what she should do to help her friend, who is having sex with older men. Our expert stresses the danger her friend is in.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Our expert concurs with a stepmother that her stepdaughter's sexualized activities are problematic.

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    This expert believes that when teens are not achieving the grades they are capable of, it's time to set up some consequences.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    It's natural to be a little envious of your teen. Read advice for parents who are experiencing it.

  • Teens
    Chores and Money

    An expert recommends which courses a student should take in college if he aspires to become a news anchor.

  • Teens
    Chores and Money

    An expert gives some advice on which college courses will help you become a sports agent.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Our expert advises a mother to discuss her dilemma with her ex and her daughter in the presence of a skilled, family-oriented therapist.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Encouraging kids of this age to pair off and to act like boyfriend and girlfriend is not advisable.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    When parents look back on their own adolescence it helps them understand their own teens better.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    It may not seem like it, but there will be many times when your teens will want -- and need -- your company. You just have to be able to spot them!

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    While most high-school social situations will not lead to violence, life can be pretty painful for kids who don't fit the norm.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    A seventh-grader who has already been suspended several times, and is showing such a temper, is in desperate need of some tough love.

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