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Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities
By Dr. Amy Webb, Ph.D.
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Ellie Lott
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Erica Loop
  • Teens
    Teen Mental Health

    Gifted children may exhibit talents in a variety of areas and have a voracious appetite for learning. But they also need free time to unwind and to just "hang out."

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    It's important to maintain some emotional distance in a mother-son relationship. Otherwise, both can get locked into an losing battle for control.

  • Teens
    Teen Health

    Try to reach a compromise with your husband over your son's sports activities.

  • Teens
    Teen Mental Health

    Simple relaxation exercises may be the cure for a student who suffers from test-taking jitters.

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    When your son is committing verbal assault, you need to take immediate, forceful action.

  • Teens
    Teen Social Development

    An expert outlines steps a parent can take to help her overweight and unpopular youngster.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Double dating can be safer than single dating, but parents should consider certain questions before giving their permission.

  • Teens
    Changes During Puberty

    A child's desire to touch and explore his body is healthy and normal. To punish him for his curiosity is not productive and may have serious consequences for him later in life.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Learn how to help stop the date violence.

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    Boot camps and military schools would only make the situation worse and do nothing to address the core issue.

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    Grounding, no matter how long, is usually not very effective and is sometimes very hard to enforce.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Consider all the reasons why you decided that your daughter was too young to date, and you'll have your answer.

  • Teens
    Teen Mental Health

    The move to middle school can be tough, even for the best of students.

  • Teens
    Teen Mental Health

    Being bright and having loving parents and a beautiful home won't necessarily immunize teenagers from low self-esteem and depression.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    A mother asks how she can express her fears to her daughter about her boyfriend, without putting her on the defensive.

  • Teens
    Eating Disorders and Nutrition

    It's no day at the beach for girls with a negative body image.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    How can you trust your daughter if she is not trustworthy? You should set the expectations, boundaries, and consequences for study and dating.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    There are many good reasons to postpone dating for a 13-year-old.

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