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Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities
By Dr. Amy Webb, Ph.D.
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Ellie Lott
Teens, Teen Values and Responsibilities, Jobs, Chores and Money
By Erica Loop
  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    A parent asks how he should act in the face of discovering risky and illegal behavior on the part of his son's friend and most likely his son.

  • Teen Values and Responsibilities

    It's understandable that a child might feel uncomfortable to be the only person in the classroom of a particular race.

  • Teens
    Teen Values and Responsibilities

    When it comes to teens and money, are parents sowing the seeds of greed?

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Talking on the phone is a privilege, not a right. Whether teens are talking to boys or girls on the phone, the rules should be the same.

  • Teens
    LGBTQ Teens

    Here are some facts and resources that may help if you believe your child might be gay.

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    When a teen runs afoul of the law, it's important to let him know that you will support him in all except behavior that endangers him or the family.

  • Teens
    Teen Mental Health

    The school counselor and/or nurse should be able to advise the best way to handle this situation. It's important to avoid breaking the girl's trust.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    When parents' suspicions are aroused, they may have to exercise their rights and obligations by invading their child's privacy.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    Talking to your kids about drugs and alcohol can be tough.

  • Teens
    Drugs and Alcohol

    What is the best way to deal with your son after you find evidence of drinking?

  • Teens
    Teen Values and Responsibilities

    Our expert applauds a teen's efforts to seek independence and not to become complacent about living with his parents.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Many parents respond to the appearance of love lives in their teenagers by clicking into fear and the memories of their own teenage romantic experiences.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    Tips for staying connected during the teenage years.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    Valentine's Day celebrations can be heartbreaking for some kids.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    A mother is concerned about the relationship between a 17-year-old boy and her 14-year-old eighth-grader.

  • Teens
    Teen Dating

    A 17-year-old fears she may lose her boyfriend, who is leaving for college, unless she has sex with him.

  • Teens
    Communicating with Teens

    Showing a sincere interest in what your teenager thinks and cares about is the best approach to knowing him.

  • Teens
    Teen Behavior and Discipline

    Parents often require help in setting boundaries and consequences for out-of-control children.

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