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By Heidi Butler
Family Life, Family Finances, Understanding Family Finances
Family Life, Family Finances, Household Savings
By Jess Faraday
Family Life, Mom's Corner
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Family Life, Family Relationships
By Brittany McCabe
  • Family Life

    There are eight steps to resolving power plays among your in-laws. Learn how to diffuse any family argument with these steps.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Learn how you and your spouse can create a game plan for your priorities, without being bossed around by your in-laws.

  • Family Life

    Be aware of the five common power plays your in-laws (and anyone else) may use to get what they want. Use this knowledge to prepare yourself for any family argument.

  • Family Life

    You and your spouse can decide where to spend the holidays without hurting the feelings of your parents and in-laws. Here's how.

  • Family Life

    If you are much older than your spouse, or vice versa, you may encounter some resentment from your family and in-laws. Follow these suggestions for overcoming their negativity.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    If you are beginning a second marriage, read these tips for dealing with your new in-laws.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    If your future spouse and in-laws practice a different religion than you, follow these suggestions to ensure that both faiths are respected.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    If you're marrying into a family from a different culture, it's important to educate yourself about all of their customs.

  • Family Life

    Do you feel like your father-in-law is controlling your marriage? These steps may help you resolve the situation.

  • Family Life

    It's normal to feel like you're in a competitive relationship with your mother-in-law. Here's help with working through the tensions.

  • Family Life

    Deciding how to address your in-laws can be tricky. Read these suggestions for help.

  • Family Life

    When you don't know what to call your new in-laws, things can get awkward. Read about some common obstacles to settling this issue.

  • In-Laws
    Family Life

    This quiz will teach you how to interpret body language, a skill that comes in handy when you are meeting with your in-laws!

  • Family Life

    If you're about to be introduced to your prospective in-laws, these tips will help you make a great first impression.

  • Family Life
    Understanding Family Finances

    Trust funds are becoming more common. Learn how a trust fund can benefit you and your family.

  • Family Life
    Understanding Family Finances

    Help your child understand about paying income taxes. After all, your child may already be a taxpayer!

  • Family Life

    Learn to be more open with your child about your family's money matters. You don't have to share everything, and what you do share is dictated in part by the age of your child.

  • Family Life
    Going Green

    Here is a comprehensive list of items you might normally throw away, which can be recycled into craft projects.

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Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning.
