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By Heidi Butler
Family Life, Family Finances, Understanding Family Finances
Family Life, Family Finances, Household Savings
By Jess Faraday
Family Life, Mom's Corner
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Family Life, Family Relationships
By Brittany McCabe
  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    Be creative with food -- make animals out of fruits and vegetables, or build a gingerbread house.

  • Family Life
    Organizing Your Home

    Make your hobby more accessible and keep the house cleaner by designating a special place for crafting.

  • Family Life
    Organizing Your Home

    Follow these keys to crafting success and you'll ensure a great crafting experience for you and your child.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Organize your family time to include crafts.

  • Family Life
    Home Improvements and Maintenance

    Learn what time of year is best for each of the maintenance chores at your home.

  • Family Life
    Understanding Family Finances

    Which homeowner's policy is right for you? Find the answer here.

  • Family Life
    Understanding Family Finances

    Learn about the different types of homeowner's insurance typically offered, and what the policies generally cover.

  • Family Life
    Home Improvements and Maintenance

    Use this home maintenance checklist to keep your house is in great shape.

  • Family Life
    Home Improvements and Maintenance

    Read these tips on how to work with a contractor when renovating your home.

  • Family Life
    Home Improvements and Maintenance

    Think you might be dealing with an "underground" contractor? Here are some tip-offs.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    Find out how to keep bats out of your home.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    Learn why you might have fleas in your home, and what you can do about it.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    If your home is infested with cockroaches, follow these simple tips for getting rid of them.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    Do you suspect that you might have bedbugs in your furniture? Read how to get rid of them.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    Stop ants from infesting your home.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    Avoid letting spiders get out of control in your home with this advice.

  • Family Life
    Caring for Pets

    If there is an unwanted animal living in your home, read this article for help on how to get rid of the intruder.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    Here is information on the different ways to get rid of rodents in your home.

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