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  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Set up a budget for your child to guide her spending (and saving) habits. Sticking to a budget will allow her to pay for the things she wants and needs.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Find tips on how to teach your child to be an effective shopper.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Teach your child about the costs of car ownership, and decide how much of this financial burden he should share.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    It benefits children to spend their own money on necessities -- they will learn to budget their money and to spend it wisely.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Read some advice about giving significant amounts of money to your child.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Read tips and advice on what it takes for your child or young adult to start or continue with their entrepreneurship.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Are chores an expected part of family life in your home? Read the pros and cons of giving your child an allowance for doing age approriate chores.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    You can't tell your child how to spend her allowance, but you can provide guidance. Learn how to discuss these issues with your child.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Find tips on how much allowance to give your child, and how to help him manage the money.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Find ways to teach your child about the economy. Understanding basic economics helps children understand how the world works.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    It's important to help your child understand what things cost, whether there's value in those costs, and how to find bargains.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Once your child understands coins and bills, teach her about banks and checks -- another way of paying for items.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    These tips can help you teach your child basic money concepts.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    As soon as a child can speak, his parents can start telling him about earning money, saving money, and spending money.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    After you've examined your own attitudes and values toward money, decide what things your child should understand about money.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Take this quiz about money, and discover where your values stand.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Your children will follow your lead when it comes to spending or saving money -- make sure you set a good example!

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Today there are new realities about money, and new ways to teach your kids how to manage it.

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