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  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Today there are new realities about money, and new ways to teach your kids how to manage it.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    If your child is interested in selling her crafts, learn how you can help her get her business started.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    If you are unhappy that your grown son or daughter has returned home to live with you, follow these guidelines for encouraging your offspring to live independently.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Once you have grown children, you need to reevaluate how much financial support you are able and willing to give them.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Here is some good advice on how to teach your kids about money.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Find out how to teach your children about American affluence and social responsibility.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Talk to your kids about money to instill responsible and mature attitudes.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Choose chores and tasks that are appropriate and suited to your child's personality and age.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Chores teach children respect and responsibility. Learn how to dole out chores in a way that promotes positive behavior in your child.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    A bit of mutual cooperation can motivate your child to get that room clean!

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Teach your kids about money, starting when they're young. Try this savings activity.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    This useful activity teaches children how to repair a hole in a bike tire.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Help your child develop positive attitudes about money with these basic financial concepts.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    Sharpen your child's problem solving and decision making skills with this activity.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    This activity will help your child understand why clean-up is both practical and interesting.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    In this activity, you and your child will go through the newspaper and cut out coupons for things you need to buy. Be sure to point out that there's no need to buy unplanned items, just because there is a coupon.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    You can help to drive home the importance of cleaning up after an arts & crafts activity, by setting up an experiment using art supplies.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    If you make doing laundry a fun game when your kids are young, they will learn to love it!

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