Fostering Responsibility
KidsFostering Responsibility
Try these tips to help you set you child's allowance.
KidsFostering Responsibility
This situation describes a very normal adolescent phenomenon called independence, or "I will do it my way."
KidsFostering Responsibility
Dawdling at any age is not normal behavior. It is learned behavior.
KidsFostering Responsibility
Children should become more independent as they grow.
KidsFostering Responsibility
At what age should children begin to set goals, use their time wisely, and save money?
KidsFostering Responsibility
Help your kids to do their share of chores around the house.
KidsFostering Responsibility
Learn why the best tool parents have for teaching kids financial responsibility is an allowance.
KidsFostering Responsibility
Discussing money with your children helps them to become responsible young adults.
KidsFostering Responsibility
A high-school teen wonders how she can please her parents after changing her major to suit her own interests.
KidsFostering Responsibility
Our expert agrees with a mother that she should be concerned about her excessive worrying over her daughter.
KidsFostering Responsibility
An allowance that begins early in a child's life gives her an opportunity to learn about the meaning of money.
KidsFostering Responsibility
The governing factor in deciding whether a child is ready to participate in a sleepover is how responsible and sensitive the "sleepover parents" are.
KidsFostering Responsibility
If a parent won't allow her child to attend parties at homes where the parents are away, is she being overprotective?
KidsFostering Responsibility
Being fundamentally powerless in a world of adults, kids cling to their routines to give them a sense of calm and control.
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