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  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Chickenpox can be spread to someone who hasn't had it, from 24 hours prior to the first appearance of the rash until the rash crusts over, which is a variable number of days.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    It is easy to confuse chicken pox with insect bites, a reaction of the skin to something it came in contact with, or other causes of rash.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    During the winter months, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and influenza (flu) are widespread among children, especially in the first two years of life.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    The chickenpox vaccine is thought to be safe for healthy children.

  • Kids
    First Aid

    You should see a doctor if a cut is very deep, if it won't stop bleeding after 10 minutes of direct pressure, or if the skin is really split apart.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Enlightened teachers who understand learning disabilities are the best insurance that a child with LD will be successful in high school.

  • Kids

    Does distractibility in a child signal the need for evaluation?

  • Kids
    Social Development

    A child may have the intellectual ability to skip ahead in school, but his social aptitude may be lacking.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Find out how to choose the right medicine for a cold.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Learn how you can keep a developmentally-delayed child "mainstreamed" in her physical education class.

  • Kids
    Nutrition for Kids

    The mother of an overweight girl questions how to handle parties and holidays, when there is so much high calorie food around.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    It's wiser to give a child the vaccine than to wait to see if he catches the chickenpox, which sometimes has complications.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Our expert gives some advice on how to help a young man deal with the loss of his father.

  • Kids
    Communicating with Your Kids

    When your child suffers a major humiliation, a private meeting with the school's guidance counselor is called for.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Suggestions on how to deal with an argumentative eight-year-old.

  • Kids
    Cognitive and Psychological

    Head rocking is a relatively common activity between three and four years of age. Find out what to do if it persists.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Learn what can happen when there is a blow to a tooth, and what you should do about it.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Our expert addresses a mother's concern that her four-year-old gets sick more than he should.

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