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  • Kids
    Outdoor Safety

    It is not safe to bring a five-month-old into a whirlpool or jacuzzi-type bath that has a high temperature.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Ear infections are a very common problem among children, and some kids are affected more severely.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Find out about an "encoding" difficulty in a child, and what next steps are needed.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Roseola is a very common viral illness. Find out when children who have it are contagious.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    No matter how "cool" a nice pair of glasses look on a teen, he may have trouble suddenly looking like a "four-eyes."

  • Kids

    Discussing and preparing for changes to come are likely to be very helpful to a child with autism.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    If misused, Tylenol and other brands of acetaminophen have the potential for fatal injury to a toddler's liver.

  • Kids
    Outdoor Safety

    There is no magic treatment for heat rash other than cooling off the patient.

  • Kids

    A grandparent who can provide consistent and firm boundaries for a child with ADHD can be a very helpful force in the life of the child.

  • Kids
    Cognitive and Psychological

    Learn whether HGH testing is recommended for a small 12-year-old boy.

  • Kids
    Fitness in Kids

    A parent asks our expert, "How would you handle a nine-year-old boy who is an incredibly talented baseball player but has a bad attitude?"

  • Kids

    Seek out other parents of children with autism to find out about their experiences with transition.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Pediatricians have different styles of managing ear infections, which are one of the more common infections in childhood.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    The flu (influenza) vaccine is strongly recommended for any person six months or older at increased risk of having the flu.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    A mother seeks advice on how to encourage her bright younger child without damaging her LD child's self-esteem.

  • Kids
    Childhood Illness

    Warts are not uncommon in children. Find out when they should be treated.

  • Kids
    Fostering Responsibility

    The governing factor in deciding whether a child is ready to participate in a sleepover is how responsible and sensitive the "sleepover parents" are.

  • Kids

    It is technically correct to say that Ritalin® does not treat ADD, in the sense that it does not cure the condition.

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