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  • Kids
    Adopting Children

    There are many resources and organizations that advise adoptive parents on how and what to tell adopted kids at every chronological and developmental age and stage.

  • Kids
    Outdoor Safety

    It's quite normal to be frightened of the steps it takes to learn to swim.

  • Kids
    Children's Health

    Find out why it's important to take antibiotics for the full ten days prescribed.

  • Kids
    Building Self Esteem

    If you build your child's self-esteem on a regular basis, you'll have the foundation and the tools to discipline your child while still encouraging his self-worth.

  • Kids

    Unfortunately, these days too many professionals, parents, and teachers immediately lean toward a diagnosis of ADD and/or ADHD when a child exhibits "fidgety" characteristics.

  • Kids
    Building Self Esteem

    All kids repeatedly experience these kinds of feelings, as they learn to exist outside of their parents' presence.

  • Kids
    Building Self Esteem

    Our expert recommends some great books on self-esteem and teens.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    When a parent is consistently too harsh with her kids, a family therapist can help to restore a happier, healthier family life.

  • Kids
    Children's Health

    To find other parents of children with CP, call your local or regional CP headquarters and explain your needs to them.

  • Kids
    First Aid

    The exact cause of febrile seizures, which are quite common, is still not known. Get information on how best to handle them.

  • Kids
    Instilling Values and Manners

    A desperate mother complains that her daughter is turning the house into a garbage dump.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Whatever you do, don't let someone start convincing you that you could control your child's impulses by medicating him.

  • Kids
    School Safety

    Kids say the main reason they bring guns to school is to protect themselves from real and/or potential violence.

  • Kids
    Cognitive and Psychological

    Is there a way to stop a toddler from nail biting?

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Kids who have always been labeled as very bright often don't know how to handle the confusion and fear of coming up against concepts and/or content that they can't understand immediately.

  • Kids
    Mental Health and Kids

    Many kids believe that if they were better kids -- i.e., performed perfectly -- their parents never would have become angry with each other and divorced.

  • Kids
    Neurodiversity in Kids

    Rather than debate the value of labeling kids as gifted, our expert tells a mother not to worry that her child is not in gifted classes.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    The reward-and-punishment system does a poor job at teaching kids to be responsible for their own behavior; it makes parents responsible for it.

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