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By Heidi Butler
Family Life, Family Finances, Understanding Family Finances
Family Life, Family Finances, Household Savings
By Jess Faraday
Family Life, Mom's Corner
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Family Life, Family Relationships
By Brittany McCabe
  • Family Life

    Understandably, many children have difficulty studying after their parents divorce. Professional help is often needed.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    Learn some effective strategies for getting children out of bed and ready to face the day.

  • Family Life
    Mom's Corner

    Make sure to focus on the positive, even when your child is acting up.

  • Family Life
    Sibling Relationships

    Jealousy often flares up when a child from another marriage gets a new sibling.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    Make no mistake: moving is a loss to a child, just as losing a family member would be.

  • Family Life

    There are many part-time work opportunities available for stay-at-home moms. The trick is to pursue those things that best match your interests and skills.

  • Family Life
    Parenting Issues

    Your attitude toward your maturing daughter is the most important tool you have for helping her feel good about herself.

  • Family Life
    Sibling Relationships

    Conflict between siblings is normal. What's important is how the children and parents handle the conflict.

  • Family Life

    One of the biggest challenges a mother can face is helping a child cope with an absentee father.

  • Family Life
    Parenting Issues

    Encourage a child to be a separate person from his mother.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Gather advice on how to handle a defiant stepson.

  • Family Life
    Parenting Issues

    Read about when a relationship between parent and child is too close.

  • Family Life
    Mom's Corner

    Moms must face bitter choices and pay high cost for staying home with kids.

  • Family Life
    Organizing Your Home

    Communication between home and school can provide a united front that will lead to improved behavior in a child.

  • Family Life

    Raising grandchildren can require a different approach than raising your children.

  • Family Life
    Custody and Child Support

    Custody experts say children should understand that the decision of where they will live is not theirs.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    Learn about the effect soda consumption can have on a child's growth and development.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Many holiday conflicts can be avoided with a little planning and understanding.

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