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By Heidi Butler
Family Life, Family Finances, Understanding Family Finances
Family Life, Family Finances, Household Savings
By Jess Faraday
Family Life, Mom's Corner
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Family Life, Family Relationships
By Brittany McCabe
  • Family Life
    Organizing Your Home

    Posting a list of acceptable behavior helps parents be consistent and lets children know what is expected of them.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Set aside a few hours to look through family photo albums with your child. You'll give her a sense of belonging and tradition.

  • Family Life
    Organizing Your Home

    Doing chores helps children learn responsibility, teamwork, and practical skills. Follow these instructions to make a chores chart, which will help to keep your child on task and diligent.

  • Family Life

    Red apple, gooey peanut butter, and a few marshmallow teeth make a big toothy grin – on the plate and on your toddler.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    If your toddler always wants the same meals, try giving her a picture menu with other choices before mealtime.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    Make these special ice blocks, and your child can use them to build a wall or a castle.

  • Family Life
    Going Green

    Plant tomatoes early in the growing season, about two or three weeks after the last frost.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Give your child a sense of her life to date by creating a timeline that she can illustrate and hang in her room.

  • Family Life
    Going Green

    The key to a healthy garden is good soil, and the best way to improve soil is with compost.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Spend a couple of minutes recording your child walking and talking. Every year, repeat!

  • Family Life
    Going Green

    Strawberries are easy to grow, delicious to eat, and the plant bears fruit for years.

  • Family Life

    This tasty treat is so easy to make, it can even be prepared by your toddler.

  • Family Life
    Going Green

    Your child can learn how to grow seedlings indoors, then transplant them outside.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    Make breakfast more exciting. Use some milk and food coloring to paint your toddler's toast!

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    Your preschool child will love helping you set the table, but watch out for the breakables!

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    Learn how to read Nutrition Facts labels, and how to make smart food choices.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    Why are fruits and veggies important? Here are 5 reasons why your family should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    Use these easy tips to make sure that you get your 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

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