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By Heidi Butler
Family Life, Family Finances, Understanding Family Finances
Family Life, Family Finances, Household Savings
By Jess Faraday
Family Life, Mom's Corner
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Family Life, Family Relationships
By Brittany McCabe
  • Family Life

    Here are some easy ways to save at the supermarket.

  • Family Life

    Stay true to the real spirit of the holidays by heeding our budget-conscious tips for a debt-free, carefree season.

  • Family Life

    How does divorce affect children years after their parents split? Find out in this online exclusive interview with divorce guru, Judith Wallerstein.

  • Family Life
    Sibling Relationships

    Learn how to deal as a family with the departure of a child.

  • Family Life

    An eight-year-old does not have the ability to respond in a sophisticated emotional manner to the jarring upheaval of a divorce.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Let the junior chefs take over in the kitchen once a week so Mom and Dad can enjoy a night off.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    It may be necessary to get all parents and step-parents involved in counseling, if discipline between step-families becomes a problem.

  • Family Life
    Sibling Relationships

    Find ways you can help your siblings accept each other.

  • Family Life
    Mom's Corner

    A mother starts to doubt her parenting skills after a stranger berates her in public.

  • Family Life

    It's best to introduce a new boyfriend into your children's lives gradually, preferably while doing things with them outside your home.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Does the boy's natural mother have the ability and commitment to homeschool? The rewards are great, but homeschooling involves a serious commitment by a generous, loving parent.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    This type of response to a stepparent's setting limits are a child's way of manipulating and are very normal.

  • Family Life

    Before custody matters can be settled, make sure you understand the challenges confronting children with ADHD.

  • Family Life

    An expert advises a depressed divorcee to be careful not to enlist her kids as her caretakers.

  • Family Life
    Sibling Relationships

    Sibling rivalry is at its worst when the younger child outshines the older sibling.

  • Family Life

    How do children react when their divorced parents want to date?

  • Family Life
    Sibling Relationships

    Ask your older children to put themselves in your little guy's place. Sometimes children don't realize how painful words can be. Try to talk about these things when you and the kids are alone and relaxed, perhaps just before bed.

  • Family Life
    Staying Healthy

    There are several factors that a cardiologist considers when deciding whether to recommend surgery or a more conservative treatment for a child with a ventricular septal defect (VSD).

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